OrientDB-NET - Insert()

This method inserts records into the database.

Inserting Data

Using this method you can insert records into the database. By itself, it initializes an IOInsert object, which you can that operate on to further define the data you want to insert.


IOInsert ODatabase.Insert()
   .Set(field, value)

IOInsert ODatabase.Insert()
   .Set(field, value)
  • class Defines the class to use.
  • cluster Defines the cluster to use.
  • field Defines the field to set.
  • value Defines the value to set on the field.

The above methods allow you to build the IOInsert object. You can then execute a processing command to run the query against the database. There are two such methods available to you,

  • Run() Executes the insertion on the database and returns an ODocument object.
  • ToString() Executes the insertion on the database and returns a string of the added record.


For instance, say that you are developing an accounting application in C# and want to support migration. You receive a CSV file from a spreadsheet application and want to insert its records into OrientDB.

using Orient.Client;
using (TextFieldParser parser = new TexFieldParser("$HOME/2016-report.csv"))
   ODatabase database = ODatabase("localhost", 2424, "account-app",
      ODatabaseType.PLocal, "user", "passwd");

   parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delmited;

   while (!parser.EndOfData)
      // INSERT ROW
      string[] fields = parser.ReadFields();
			ODocument test = database.Insert()
				 .Set("name", field[0])
         .Set("contact", field[1])
         .Set("status", field[2])