OrientDB-NET - Databases()

This method retrieves information on the current databases available on the OrientDB Server. The return value is a dictionary of string keys and ODatabaseInfo objects.

Retrieving Database Information

In certain situations you may need to operate on multiple databases on a given OrientDB Server, such as testing certain conditions on each database available. When the given databases are arbitrary, (that is, the names are not fixed by variables within your application), you can retrieve all databases on the given OServer instance using this method.


Dictionary<string, ODatabaseInfo> OServer.Databases()

This method takes no arguments. The return value is a dictionary with string value keys and ODatabaseInfo object values. Each ODatabaseInfo object has three variables:

DataBaseNamestringThe database name
StorageTypeOStorageTypeThe storage type, (PLocal or Memory)
PathstringThe database URL


Consider the use case of a long running OrientDB Server that has be utilized by several applications, including yours. You intend to move your operation onto a fresh host, but want to back up those databases that were not part of your application.

using Orient.Client; using System; ... // CLEANUP SERVER public void CleanServer(OServer server, string[] databaseNames, string host, int, port, string user, string userPasswd, string backupPath) { // REPORT OPERATION Console.WriteLine("Cleaning OrientDB Server..."); // FETCH DATABASE INFORMATION Dictionary<string, ODatabaseInfo> srvInfo = server.Databases(); // LOOP OVER EACH DATABASE INSTANCE foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ODatabaseInfo> dbInfo in srvInfo) { string name = entry.Value.DataBaseName; // TEST IF DBNAME IN DATABASENAMES if(databaseNames.Contains(name)) { // OPEN DATABASE ODatabase database = ODatabase(host, port, name, ODatabaseType.Graph, user, passwd); // FORMAT BACKUP COMMAND string backupCommand = String.Format( "BACKUP DATABASE {0}/{1}.zip -compressionLevel=2", backupPath, name); // RUN COMMAND database.Command(backupCommand); // CLOSE DATABASE database.Close(); } } }