ETL - Loaders

When the ETL module executes, Loaders handle the saving of records. They run at the last stage of the process. The ETL module in OrientDB supports the following loaders:

Output Loader

When the ETL module runs the Output Loader, it prints the transformer results to the console output. This is the loader that runs by default.

  • Component name: output
  • Accepted input classes: [Object]

OrientDB Loader

When the ETL module runs the OrientDB Loader, it loads the records and vertices from the transformers into the OrientDB database.

  • Component name: orientdb
  • Accepted input classes: [ ODocument, OrientVertex ]


ParameterDescriptionTypeMandatoryDefault value
"dbURL"Defines the database URL.stringyes
"dbUser"Defines the user name.stringadmin
"dbPassword"Defines the user password.stringadmin
"serverUser"Defines the server administrator user name, usually rootstring
"serverPassword"Defines the server administrator user password that is provided at server startupstring
"dbAutoCreate"Defines whether it automatically creates the database, in the event that it doesn't exist already.booleantrue
"dbAutoCreateProperties"Defnes whether it automatically creates properties in the schema.booleanfalse
"dbAutoDropIfExists"Defines whether it automatically drops the database if it exists already.booleanfalse
"tx"Defines whether it uses transactionsbooleanfalse
"txUseLog"Defines whether it uses log in transactions.boolean
"wal"Defines whether it uses write ahead logging. Disable to achieve better performance.booleantrue
"batchCommit"When using transactions, defines the batch of entries it commits. Helps avoid having one large transaction in memory.integer0
"dbType"Defines the database type: graph or document.stringdocument
"class"Defines the class to use in storing new record.string
"cluster"Defines the cluster in which to store the new record.string
"classes"Defines whether it creates classes, if not defined already in the database.inner document
"indexes"Defines indexes to use on the ETL process. Before starting, it creates any declared indexes not present in the database. Indexes must have "type", "class" and "fields".inner document
"useLightweightEdges"Defines whether it changes the default setting for Lightweight Edges.booleanfalse
"standardELementConstraints"Defines whether it changes the default setting for TinkerPop BLueprint constraints. Value cannot be null and you cannot use id as a property name.booleantrue

For the "txUseLog" parameter, when WAL is disabled you can still achieve reliable transactions through this parameter. You may find it useful to group many operations into a batch, such as CREATE EDGE. If "dbAutoCreate" or "dbAutoDropIfExists" are set to true and remote connection is used, serverUsername and serverPassword must be provided. Usually the server administrator user name is root and the password is provided at the startup of the OrientDB server.


When using the "classes" parameter, it defines an inner document that contains additional configuration variables.

ParameterDescriptionTypeMandatoryDefault value
"name"Defines the class name.stringyes
"extends"Defines the super-class name.string
"clusters"Defines the number of cluster to create under the class.integer1

NOTE: The "clusters" parameter was introduced in version 2.1.


ParameterDescriptionTypeMandatoryDefault value
"name"Defines the index name.string
"class"Defines the class name in which to create the index.stringyes
"type"Defines the index type.stringyes
"fields"Defines an array of fields to index. To specify the field type, use the syntax: <field>.<type>.stringyes
"metadata"Defines additional index metadata.string


Configuration to load data into the database dbpedia on OrientDB, in the directory /temp/databases using the PLocal protocol and a Graph database. The load is transactional, performing commits in thousand insert batches. It creates two lookup vertices with indexes against the property string URI in the base vertex class V. The index is unique.

"orientdb": {
      "dbURL": "plocal:/temp/databases/dbpedia",
      "dbUser": "importer",
      "dbPassword": "IMP",
      "dbAutoCreate": true,
      "tx": false,
      "batchCommit": 1000,
      "wal" : false,
      "dbType": "graph",
      "classes": [
        {"name":"Person", "extends": "V" },
        {"name":"Customer", "extends": "Person", "clusters":8 }
      "indexes": [
        {"class":"V", "fields":["URI:string"], "type":"UNIQUE" },
        {"class":"Person", "fields":["town:string"], "type":"NOTUNIQUE" ,
            metadata : { "ignoreNullValues" : false }