search: keywords: ['Java API', 'ODatabaseDocument', 'cluster', 'browse cluster', 'browseCluster']

ODatabaseDocument - browseCluster()

This method retrieves all records stored on the given cluster.

Browsing Records by Cluster

When you save records to the database, OrientDB stores them in a cluster. The cluster can be physical or in-memory. Using this method, you can retrieve records by the cluster they're stored in.


<REC extends ORecord> ORecordIteratorCluster<REC> ODatabaseDocument().browseCluster(
      String name)

<REC extends ORecord> ORecordIteratorCluster<REC> ODatabaseDocument().browseCluster(
      String name,
      long startPosition, 
	  long endPosition)
nameStringDefines the cluster name
startPositionlongDefines the starting position for the records you want to retrieve
endPositionlongDefines the ending position for the record you want to retrieve

Return Value

This method returns an ORecordIteratatorCluster instance, which contains instances of the generic, which can be any class that extends the ORecord class. The ORecord class itself extends the OElement class.