MarcoPolo - Types

When you store data on the database, OrientDB sets it using the typing conventions of Java. In turn, when MarcoPolo retrieves data from OrientDB, the return values use the typing conventions of Elixir. This ensures that the Erlang VM can understand these return values.

Typing in Java is somewhat more granular than it is in Elixir. For instance, where Elixir has the integer, Java has the 2-byte short, the 4-byte integer, and the 8-byte long. Records created in MarcoPolo encode Elixir integers as the 4-byte Java integers. In cases where you want to take advantage of Java typing in data storage or simply use the more granular types available in that language, you can set the type you want MarcoPolo to use when sending data to OrientDB.

Typing in MarcoPolo

In any situation where you send data from your application to OrientDB, MarcoPolo converts the internal type in Elixir to a default type in Java. So, for instance, if you set a boolean value on a record it gets set in OrientDB as the java.lang.Boolean type.

Java types that you retrieve from OrientDB are converted to their approximate Elixir type. So, if you query OrientDB and retrieve an instance of java.lang.Long it is set in your application as an Elixir integer.

You can also force the type to store on OrientDB by using a tuple, where the first value is the type you want and the second the value you want to set. For instance,

data = {:long, 944}

Here, an integer in your application is sent to OrientDB as a long integer. When your application retrieves a long integer, it is set on your application as an integer.

Numeric Types

  • Integers: 83 or {:int, 83
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.lang.Integer or int
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as 83
  • Short Integers: {:short, 83}
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.lang.Short or short
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as 83
  • Long Integer: {:long, 83}
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.lang.Long or long
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as 83
  • Doubles: 3.14
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.lang.Double or double
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as 3.14
  • Floats: {:float, 3.14}
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.lang.Float or float
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as 3.14
  • Decminals: Using Decimal,
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.math.BigDecimal
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as

Date and Time Types

  • Date: Using Date, %MarcoPolo.Date{year: 2017, month: 5, day: 5}
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.util.Date
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as %MarcoPolo.Date{year: 2017 month: 5 day: 5}
  • DateTime: Using DateTime, %MarcoPolo.DateTime{year: 2017,i month: 5, day: 5, hour: 15, minute: 30, sec: 0, msec: 0}
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.util.Date
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as %MarcoPolo.DateTime{year: 2017,i month: 5, day: 5, hour: 15, minute: 30, sec: 0, msec: 0}

Embedded Types

  • Document: Using Document, %MarcoPolo.Document{}
    • Typed in OrientDB as ORecord
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as the same value.
  • List: [1, "foo", {:float, 3.14}]
    • Typed in OrientDB as List<Object>
    • Returned ot MarcoPolo as [1, "foo", 3.14
  • Hash Set: #HashSet<[2, 1]>
    • Typed in OrientDB as Set<Object>
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as #HashSet<[2, 1]>
  • Map: %{"foo" => true}
    • Typed in OrientDB as Map<String, ORecord>
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as %{"foo" => true}
  • Link: Using RID, %MarcoPolo.RID{cluster_id: 21, position: 3}
    • Typed in OrientDB as ORID
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as %MarcoPolo.RID{cluster_id: 21, position: 3}
  • Link List: {:link_list, [%MarcoPolo.RID{}, ...]}
    • Typed in OrientDB as List<ORID>
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as {:link_list, [%MarcoPolo.RID{}, ...]}
  • Link Set: {:link_set, #HashSet<%MarcoPolo.RID{}, ...>}
    • Typed in OrientDB as SET<ORID>
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as {:link_set, #HashSet<%MarcoPolo.RID{}, ...>}
  • Link Map: {:link_map, %{"foo" => %MarcoPolo.RID{}, ...}}
    • Typed in OrientDB as Map<String, ORID>
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as {:link_map, %{"foo" => %MarcoPolo.RID{}, ...}}

Other Types

  • Binary: {:binary, <<7, 2>>
    • Typed in OrientDB as byte[]
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as <<7, 2>>
  • Boolean: true or false
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.lang.Boolean
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as same value.
  • String: "foo" or <<1, 2, 3>>
    • Typed in OrientDB as java.lang.String
    • Returned to MarcoPolo as the same value.