MarcoPolo - drop_db()

This function removes the given database from the server.

Removing Databases

Occasionally, you may find yourself in situations where you need to remove an entire database from the server. For instance, in cases where your application requires volatile in-memory databases for short-term use. Using this function, you can remove a database from the server.


drop_db(<conn>, <database>, <storage-type>, <opts>)
  • <conn> Defines the server connection.
  • <database> Defines the database name.
  • <storage-type> Defines the database storage-type. Supported storage-types include,
    • :plocal Sets it to the PLocal storage-type.
    • :memory Sets it to the Memory storage-type.
  • <opts> Defines additional options. For more information on the available options, see the Options section below.


This function supports one additional option:

  • :timeout Defines the timeout value in milliseconds. In the event that the operation takes longer than the allotted time, MarcoPolo sends an exit signal to the calling process.

Return Values

When the operatin is successful, this function returns :ok. In the event that it encounters an error, instead it returns the tuple {:error, message}, where the variable is the exception message.


Consider the use case of an application that operates with multiple databases in-memory. These databases are ad hoc, brought online to address short term needs and then removed when the job is complete.

@doc """ Create ad hoc Databases """
def adhoc_db(conn, name, operation)

	# Create Database
	try do

		# Create Temporary Database
		MarcoPolo.create_db(conn, name, :graph, :memory)

		# Create Database Connection
		dbconn = MarcoPolo.start_link("admin", "admin_passwd", connection: {:db, name})

		# Call Operation

		# Remove Temporary Database
		MarcoPolo.drop_db(conn, name, :memory)
