Changes the permission of a role, granting it access to one or more resources. To remove access to a resource from the role, see the REVOKE command.


GRANT <permission> ON <resource> TO <role>
  • <permission> Defines the permission you want to grant to the role.
  • <resource> Defines the resource on which you want to grant the permissions.
  • <role> Defines the role you want to grant the permissions.


  • Grant permission to update any record in the cluster account to the role backoffice:

    orientdb> GRANT UPDATE ON database.cluster.account TO backoffice

For more information, see

Supported Permissions

Using this command, you can grant the following permissions to a role.

NONEGrants no permissions on the resource.
CREATEGrants create permissions on the resource, such as the CREATE CLASS or CREATE CLUSTER commands.
READGrants read permissions on the resource, such as the SELECT query.
UPDATEGrants update permissions on the resource, such as the UPDATE or UPDATE EDGE commands.
DELETEGrants delete permissions on the resource, such as the DROP INDEX or DROP SEQUENCE commands.
ALLGrants all permissions on the resource.

Supported Resources

Using this command, you can grant permissions on the following resources.

databaseGrants access on the current database.
database.class.<class>Grants access on records contained in the indicated class. Use ** to indicate all classes.
database.cluster.<cluster>Grants access to records contained in the indicated cluster. Use ** to indicate all clusters.
database.queryGrants the ability to execute a query, (READ is sufficient).
database.command.<command>Grants the ability to execute the given command. Use CREATE for INSERT, READ for SELECT, UPDATE for UPDATE and DELETE for DELETE.
database.config.<permission>Grants access to the configuration. Valid permissions are READ and UPDATE.
database.hook.recordGrants the ability to set hooks.
server.adminGrants the ability to access server resources.