
OrientDB Community Edition is available as a binary package for download or as source code on GitHub. The Enterprise Edition is available as a binary package to all our Customers that purchased one of the available Subscriptions.

OrientDB prerequisites can be found here.

Binary Installation

OrientDB provides a pre-compiled binary package to install the database on your system. Depending on your operating system, this is a tarred or zipped package that contains all the relevant files you need to run OrientDB. For desktop installations, go to OrientDB Downloads and select the package that best suits your system.

On server installations, you can use the wget utility:

$ wget -O orientdb-community-3.2.38.tar.gz

Whether you use your web browser or wget, unzip or extract the downloaded file into a directory convenient for your use, (for example, /opt/orientdb/ on Linux). This creates a directory called orientdb-community-3.2.38 with relevant files and scripts, which you will need to run OrientDB on your system.

Use Docker

If you have Docker installed in your computer, this is the easiest way to run OrientDB. From the command line type:

$ docker run -d --name orientdb -p 2424:2424 -p 2480:2480
   -e ORIENTDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root orientdb:latest

Where instead of "root", type the root's password you want to use.

More details on how to build your own OrientDB Docker image can be found here

Use Ansible

If you manage your servers through Ansible, you can use the following role : which is highly customizable and allows you to deploy OrientDB as a standalone instance or multiple clusterized instances.

For using it, you can follow these steps :

Install the role

ansible-galaxy install migibert.orientdb

Create an Ansible inventory

Assuming you have one two servers with respective IPs fixed at and, using ubuntu user.

[orientdb-servers] ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu

Create an Ansible playbook

In this example, we provision a two node cluster using multicast discovery mode. Please note that this playbook assumes java is already installed on the machine so you should have one step before that install Java 8 on the servers

- hosts: orientdb-servers
  become: yes
    orientdb_version: 2.0.5
    orientdb_enable_distributed: true
      hazelcast_network_port: 2434
      hazelcast_group: orientdb
      hazelcast_password: orientdb
      multicast_enabled: True
      multicast_port: 2434
      tcp_enabled: False
      tcp_members: []
      - name: root
        password: root
  - apt:
      name: openjdk-8-jdk
      state: present
  - role: orientdb-role

Run the playbook ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml

Source Code Installation

For information on how to install OrientDB from source, please refer to this Section.

Post-installation Tasks

For desktop users installing the binary, OrientDB is now installed and can be run through shell scripts found in the package bin directory of the installation. For servers, there are some additional steps that you need to take in order to manage the database server for OrientDB as a service. The procedure for this varies, depending on your operating system.


When the time comes to upgrade to a newer version of OrientDB, the methods vary depending on how you chose to install it in the first place. If you installed from binary downloads, repeat the download process above and update any symbolic links or shortcuts to point to the new directory.

For systems where OrientDB was built from source, pull down the latest source code and compile from source.

$ git pull origin master
$ mvn clean install

Bear in mind that when you build from source, you can switch branches to build different versions of OrientDB using Git. For example,

$ git checkout 2.2.x
$ mvn clean install

builds the 2.2.x branch, instead of master.

Building a single executable jar with OrientDB

OrientDB for internal components like engines, operators, factories uses Java SPI Service Provider Interface. That means that the jars of OrientDB are shipped with files in META-INF/services that contains the implementation of components. Bear in mind that when building a single executable jar, you have to concatenate the content of files with the same name in different orientdb-*.jar . If you are using Maven Shade Plugin you can use Service Resource Transformer to do that.

Other Resources

To learn more about how to install OrientDB on specific environments, please refer to the guides below: