One more solar year is finished, so I think is a good time to give out some stats on what happen on OrientDB last year, most of the work happen on the main project on a couple of branches, the develop branch where the most of new development is happening, and the 3.2.x branch where the fixes of the last stable release are done.
Develop Branch
Commits: 915
Commits Authors (excluding bots): 5
Diffs from first and last commit of the year:
2914 files changed, 163583 insertions(+), 160066 deletions(-)
This include a lot of delete of old modules and add of some external modules in the main repository
3.2.x branch
Commits: 196
Commits Authors (excluding bots): 5
Diffs from first and last commit of the year:
232 files changed, 7699 insertions(+), 7962 deletions(-)
As well this fixes result in 11 patch releases, almost one a month on average.
In terms of other activities in 2024 year have been opened 100 new issues and have been resolved 71 issues
This new year already started with some big work in the develop branch, is looking for to see the stats for 2025
This is all folks