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Server Management Panel

This is the section (available only for the Enterprise Edition) to work with OrientDB Server as DBA/DevOps. This control panel coming from OrientDB 2.1 Studio has been enriched with several new features for the new Enterprise Edition.

On the top of the page you can chose your server, visualize its system information and then navigate all statistics and facts related to it through the available tabs.


This panel summarizes all the most important information about the current cluster:

  • CPU, RAM, DISK CACHE and DISK used
  • Status
  • Operations per second
  • Active Connections
  • Warnings
  • Live chart with CRUD operations in real-time



It displays all the active connections to the server. For each connection reports the following information:

  • Session ID, as the unique session number
  • Client, as the unique client number
  • Address, is the connection source
  • Database, the database name used
  • User, the database user
  • Total Requests, as the total number of requests executed by the connection
  • Command Info, as the running command
  • Command Detail, as the detail about the running command
  • Last Command On, is the last time a request has been executed
  • Last Command Info, is the informaton about last operation executed
  • Last Command Detail, is the informaton about the details of last operation executed
  • Last Execution Time, is the execution time o last request
  • Total Working Time, is the total execution time taken by current connection so far
  • Connected Since, is the date when the connection has been created
  • Protocol, is the protocol among HTTP and Binary
  • Client ID, a text representing the client connection
  • Driver, the driver name
  • Commands, a command button to Interrupt or Kill each session.



This panel shows all the metrics in 4 different tabs. To learn more about the available metrics please refer to the Profiler section.

  • Chronos


  • Counters


  • Stats


  • Hook Values



It lists all databases created on the server. It is possible make a backup using the specific option.



It list all warning messages. For each you can see:

  • Warning, as the warning message
  • Count, as the number of that warnings
  • Last Time, as the timestamp of the last warning message



This panel shows all the logs present on the server. The information in each log row are presented divided as follows:

  • Day
  • Hour
  • Type
  • File
  • Info

Moreover you can filter log messages through the specific panel, typing different parameters.



It helps you with the configuration of a new plugin, avoiding to edit the config/orientdb-server-config.xml configuration file.



You can consult in read-only mode the configuration of the server contained in the config/orientdb-server-config.xml file.
