OrientDB-NET - Update()

This method updates records on the database.

Updating Records

Using this method you can change or otherwise modify records on the database. By itself, it initializes an OSqlUpdate object, which you can then operate on to further define the records you want to change and what changes you would like to make.


// UPDATING RECORDS OSqlUpdate ODatabase.Update()

There are several methods available to the OSqlUpdate method. These allow you to build and execute the update against your database.

Defining the Target

When using this method, you can update by class, cluster or Record ID.

  • Class Updates

    OSqlUpdate ODatabase.Update() .Class(string className)
  • Cluster Updates

    OSqlUpdate ODatabase.Update() .Cluster(string clusterName)
  • Record Updates

    // RECORD METHOD OSqlUpdate ODatabase.Update() .Record(ORID recordID) // RECORD ARGUMENT OSqlUpdate ODatabase.Update(ORID recordID)

For the sake of simplicity, syntax cases shown hereafter assume that you're updating a class.

Defining the Update

When using this method, you have a few options in defining the update that you want to make: whether you're adding or removing data, or changing records.

  • Setting Field

    OSqlUpdate ODatabase.Update(<rid>) .Set(field, value)
  • Adding Fields

    OSqlUpdate ODatabase.Update(<rid>) .Add(field, value)
  • Removing Fields

    OSqlUpdate ODatabase.Update(<rid>) .Remove(field)

Executing Updates

Using the above methods you can build the update that you want, however OrientDB-NET does not execute the update on your database until you use an execution method:

  • Run() Executes the update on the database and returns an integer.

  • ToString() Executes the update on the database and returns a string.


For instance, say that you routinely implement complicated updates on your database with various changes. You might wnat to build a helper function that loops through common variables in defining the update.

using Orient.Client; using System; ... // UPDATE OPERATION public ODocument UpdateDatabase(ODatabase database, string className, Dictionary<string, string> changes) { // LOG OPERATION Console.WriteLine("Updating Class: {0}", className); // INITIALIZE UPDATE OSqlUpdate update = database.Update().Class(classname); // DEFINE CHANGES foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> setting in changes) { // APPLY CHANGES update.Set(setting.Key, setting.Value); } // RUN AND RETURN ODOCUMENT return update.Run(); }