
Example 1

Find the 'year of birth' of the Profiles, and how many Profiles were born in the same year:

SELECT count(*) as NumberOfProfiles, Birthday.format('yyyy') AS YearOfBirth FROM Profiles GROUP BY YearOfBirth ORDER BY NumberOfProfiles DESC

In the Browse Tab of Studio, using the query above, this is the obtained list of records (only few records are shown in the image below):

Note: in v. 2.x the corresponding query is:

SELECT count(*) as NumberOfProfiles, YearOfBirth FROM ( SELECT Birthday.format('yyyy') AS YearOfBirth FROM Profiles) GROUP BY YearOfBirth ORDER BY NumberOfProfiles DESC

Example 2

Find the top 3 Profiles that have the highest number of Friends:

SELECT @rid as Profile_RID, Name, Surname, both('HasFriend').size() AS FriendsNumber FROM `Profiles` ORDER BY FriendsNumber DESC LIMIT 3

In the Browse Tab of Studio, using the query above, this is the obtained list of records: